Did you know that you can create scripts to automate processes in Google Ads (previously known as Google AdWords)?
You can check out 3 scripts I have created below, be it an alternative to Google Ads built-in feature, or paid tool like Supermetrics:
- Google Ads script to automatically update the budget from Google Sheets
- Google Ads script to automatically export the daily report to Google Sheets
- Google Ads script to automatically stop the campaign after hitting the budget cap
Read on and make your life easier with automation using script!
Disclaimer: Use at your own risk, we will not be responsible for any loss incurred from using this Google Ads script.
Google Ads script 1: Automatically update the budget from Google Sheets
I have created this script to automatically update the budget from Google Sheets for an individual Google Ads account.
First, create a Google Sheet with two columns; one for the month and one for the budget. Insert the month’s column with the names of the month and the budget for each month in the next column. You can also just duplicate this sheet for your convenience.
How to use this script?
Insert your Google sheet’s URL into the script.
Simply choose an account, go to the top right “Tools” and click on “Scripts” under the “Bulk Actions” section.
Click on the plus button sign and insert the code below. You have to authorize Google Ads to act on your behalf.
Save, preview to test that it is working perfectly by looking at the results under the logs tab. Close it and go back to the main script section and select hourly under the frequency column.
Copy script 1 below
[// Copyright 2019, Silver Mouse Sdn Bhd, All Rights Reserved.
* @name Google Ads Script – Auto Update Daily Budget
* @overview This script updates the daily budget for this individual account.
* For more information, visit developers.google.com/ads/scripts
* @author Ong Hock Seng, Digital Marketing Manager at Silver Mouse [[email protected]]
* @version 1.2
* @changelog
* – version 1.0
* – Released initial version
* – version 1.1
* – Retrieve budget from sheet
* – version 1.2
* – Updated for 2019
* @usage Replace Google sheet ID in line 36 and specify campaign name in line 126
function main() {
// set to select this account, shortened to make it easier to write fetches
var account = AdsApp.currentAccount();
// fetch date, in PST
var date = new Date();
// convert time to the account's time zone
var month = Utilities.formatDate(date, timeZoneName, 'MMMM');
// link to sheet url
var SPREADSHEET_URL = 'https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/edit';
// specify sheet name (Sheet1 is default)
var SHEET_NAME = 'Sheet1';
// open and select sheet
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl(SPREADSHEET_URL);
var sheet = ss.getSheetByName(SHEET_NAME);
Logger.log('Spreadsheet URL : ' + SPREADSHEET_URL);
Logger.log('Spreadsheet name : ' + ss.getName());
Logger.log('Sheet name : ' + SHEET_NAME);
// naming all the ranges
var rJANUARY = sheet.getRange(2, 1);
var rFEBRUARY = sheet.getRange(3, 1);
var rMARCH = sheet.getRange(4, 1);
var rAPRIL = sheet.getRange(5, 1);
var rMAY = sheet.getRange(6, 1);
var rJUNE = sheet.getRange(7, 1);
var rJULY = sheet.getRange(8, 1);
var rAUGUST = sheet.getRange(9, 1);
var rSEPTEMBER = sheet.getRange(10, 1);
var rOCTOBER = sheet.getRange(11, 1);
var rNOVEMBER = sheet.getRange(12, 1);
var rDECEMBER = sheet.getRange(13, 1);
var rbJANUARY = sheet.getRange(2, 2);
var rbFEBRUARY = sheet.getRange(3, 2);
var rbMARCH = sheet.getRange(4, 2);
var rbAPRIL = sheet.getRange(5, 2);
var rbMAY = sheet.getRange(6, 2);
var rbJUNE = sheet.getRange(7, 2);
var rbJULY = sheet.getRange(8, 2);
var rbAUGUST = sheet.getRange(9, 2);
var rbSEPTEMBER = sheet.getRange(10, 2);
var rbOCTOBER = sheet.getRange(11, 2);
var rbNOVEMBER = sheet.getRange(12, 2);
var rbDECEMBER = sheet.getRange(13, 2);
// retrieving value for ranges
var vJANUARY = rJANUARY.getValue();
var vFEBRUARY = rFEBRUARY.getValue();
var vMARCH = rMARCH.getValue();
var vAPRIL = rAPRIL.getValue();
var vMAY = rMAY.getValue();
var vJUNE = rJUNE.getValue();
var vJULY = rJULY.getValue();
var vAUGUST = rAUGUST.getValue();
var vSEPTEMBER = rSEPTEMBER.getValue();
var vOCTOBER = rOCTOBER.getValue();
var vNOVEMBER = rNOVEMBER.getValue();
var vDECEMBER = rDECEMBER.getValue();
var vbJANUARY = rbJANUARY.getValue();
var vbFEBRUARY = rbFEBRUARY.getValue();
var vbMARCH = rbMARCH.getValue();
var vbAPRIL = rbAPRIL.getValue();
var vbMAY = rbMAY.getValue();
var vbJUNE = rbJUNE.getValue();
var vbJULY = rbJULY.getValue();
var vbAUGUST = rbAUGUST.getValue();
var vbSEPTEMBER = rbSEPTEMBER.getValue();
var vbOCTOBER = rbOCTOBER.getValue();
var vbNOVEMBER = rbNOVEMBER.getValue();
var vbDECEMBER = rbDECEMBER.getValue();
// set value for monthly budget
if (month == vJANUARY) {Logger.log('Budget from month : ' + vJANUARY); var monthlyBudget = vbJANUARY;}
if (month == vFEBRUARY) {Logger.log('Budget from month : ' + vFEBRUARY); var monthlyBudget = vbFEBRUARY;}
if (month == vMARCH) {Logger.log('Budget from month : ' + vMARCH); var monthlyBudget = vbMARCH;}
if (month == vAPRIL) {Logger.log('Budget from month : ' + vAPRIL); var monthlyBudget = vbAPRIL;}
if (month == vMAY) {Logger.log('Budget from month : ' + vMAY); var monthlyBudget = vbMAY;}
if (month == vJUNE) {Logger.log('Budget from month : ' + vMAY); var monthlyBudget = vbJUNE;}
if (month == vJULY) {Logger.log('Budget from month : ' + vJULY); var monthlyBudget = vbJULY;}
if (month == vAUGUST) {Logger.log('Budget from month : ' + vAUGUST); var monthlyBudget = vbAUGUST;}
if (month == vSEPTEMBER) {Logger.log('Budget from month : ' + vSEPTEMBER); var monthlyBudget = vbSEPTEMBER;}
if (month == vOCTOBER) {Logger.log('Budget from month : ' + vOCTOBER); var monthlyBudget = vbOCTOBER;}
if (month == vNOVEMBER) {Logger.log('Budget from month : ' + vNOVEMBER); var monthlyBudget = vbNOVEMBER;}
if (month == vDECEMBER) {Logger.log('Budget from month : ' + vDECEMBER); var monthlyBudget = vbDECEMBER;}
// select the specific campaign here
var campaignIterator = AdsApp.campaigns()
.withCondition('Name = "SEM"')
// set to select this account, shortened to make it easier to write fetches
// var account = AdsApp.currentAccount();
// this section will begin running if there is a campaign that matches the campaign name you keyed in
if (campaignIterator.hasNext()) {
// fetch campaign that we have selected
var campaign = campaignIterator.next();
// fetch campaign stats for this month
var stats = campaign.getStatsFor("THIS_MONTH");
// fetch date, in PST
var date = new Date();
// convert time to the account's time zone
var timeZoneName = AdsApp.currentAccount().getTimeZone();
var timeZoneNumber = Utilities.formatDate(date, timeZoneName, 'Z');
var month = Utilities.formatDate(date, timeZoneName, 'MMMM yyyy');
// more conversions, for my reference while making this script
var now = Utilities.formatDate(date, timeZoneName, 'dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss');
var dateNow = Utilities.formatDate(date, timeZoneName, 'dd MMMM yyyy');
var timeNow = Utilities.formatDate(date, timeZoneName, 'HH:mm:ss');
var yearNow = Utilities.formatDate(date, timeZoneName, 'yyyy');
var monthNow = Utilities.formatDate(date, timeZoneName, 'MM');
// calculate the amount of days left
var d = new Date(Utilities.formatDate(new Date(), timeZoneName, "MMM dd,yyyy HH:mm:ss"));
var totalDays = new Date(d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth() + 1, 0).getDate();
var daysPassed = d.getDate() – 1;
var daysLeft = totalDays – daysPassed;
// calculate budget left
var costUsed = stats.getCost();
var costLeft = monthlyBudget – costUsed;
// and divided by days left
var costNew = costLeft / daysLeft;
// log for reference
Logger.log('Account name : ' + account.getName());
Logger.log('Campaign : ' + campaign.getName());
Logger.log('Currency : ' + account.getCurrencyCode());
Logger.log('Current budget : ' + campaign.getBudget());
Logger.log('Account date : ' + dateNow);
Logger.log('Account time : ' + timeNow);
Logger.log('Time Zone Name : ' + timeZoneName);
Logger.log('Time Zone Number : ' + timeZoneNumber);
// fetch cost
Logger.log('Cost this month so far : ' + stats.getCost());
// fetch date
Logger.log('This month : ' + month);
Logger.log('Month Number : ' + monthNow );
Logger.log('Year Number : ' + yearNow );
// fetch days left
Logger.log('Days in this month : ' + totalDays);
Logger.log('Days passed : ' + daysPassed);
Logger.log('Days left : ' + daysLeft);
// fetch budget
Logger.log('Monthly budget : ' + monthlyBudget);
Logger.log('Budget left : ' + costLeft);
Logger.log('Budget per day : ' + costNew );
// set new budget
//var newBudget =
Logger.log('New daily budget : ' + campaign.getBudget());
} else {
Logger.log('Hmm it seems like there are no campaigns selected..');
Google Ads script 2: Automatically export the daily report to Google Sheets
I have created this script mainly to monitor daily costs for individual Google Ads accounts.
It serves as a free alternative to using Supermetrics. Fair warning, I am not a programmer, I am a marketer that needed a way to extract these data, and I learned how to code instead of paying Supermetrics for this. If you want the real deal; and if you need more functions – it’s best you fork out the money for tools like Supermetrics.
I am using this script mainly to monitor daily performance especially on costs; but this can also be used to monitor other performance metrics such as impressions, clicks and conversions.
How to use this script?
Create a Google Sheet and insert the sheet’s URL into the script below.
Simply choose an account, go to the top right “Tools” and click on “Scripts” under the “Bulk Actions” section.
Click on the plus button sign and insert the code below. You have to authorize Google Ads to act on your behalf.
Save, preview to test that it is working perfectly by looking at the results under the logs tab. Close it and go back to the main script section and select hourly under the frequency column.
Copy script 2 below
[// Copyright 2019, Silver Mouse Sdn. Bhd., All Rights Reserved.
* @name Google Ads Script – Auto Report
* @overview This script exports a report for this individual account.
* For more information, visit developers.google.com/ads/scripts
* @author Ong Hock Seng, Digital Marketing Manager at Silver Mouse [[email protected]]
* @version 1.0.3a
* @changelog
* – version 1.0
* – Released initial version
* – version 1.0.1
* – Minor spring cleaning
* – version 1.0.2
* – Lean and clean
* – version 1.0.2a
* – updated for 2018
* – version 1.03a
* – updated for 2019
* @usage Insert spreadsheet URL in line 39 & campaign name in line 52.
* Remove line 46 to select all campaigns.
function main() {
// set to select this account, shortened to make it easier to write fetches
var account = AdsApp.currentAccount();
// set to get campaign info
var campaignIterator = AdsApp.campaigns()
// link to sheet url
var SPREADSHEET_URL = 'https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/INSERT SPREADSHEET URL HERE/edit';
// shorten
var sheetName = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl(SPREADSHEET_URL);
// print log for reference
Logger.log('Account name : ' + account.getName());
Logger.log('Currency code : ' + account.getCurrencyCode());
// select info
var report = AdsApp.report(
'SELECT Date, Cost ' +
'DURING 20180101,20181231');
// export to sheet
// sort by first column, which is date
// print log for confirmation
Logger.log("Report name : " + sheetName.getName());
Logger.log("Report URL : " + sheetName.getUrl());
The Script (ad groups)
// Copyright 2019, Silver Mouse Sdn. Bhd., All Rights Reserved.
* @name Google Ads Script – Auto Report
* @overview This script exports a report for this individual account.
* For more information, visit developers.google.com/ads/scripts
* @author Ong Hock Seng, Digital Marketing Manager at Silver Mouse [[email protected]]
* @version 1.0.3b
* @changelog
* – version 1.0
* – Released initial version
* – version 1.0.1
* – Minor spring cleaning
* – version 1.0.2
* – Lean and clean
* – version 1.0.2a
* – updated for 2018
* – version 1.0.2b
* – adapted for ad group reporting, refer to https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/appendix/reports/adgroup-performance-report
* – version 1.0.3b
* – updated for 2019
* @usage Insert spreadsheet URL in line 43 & campaign name in line 56.
* Remove line 56 to select all campaigns.
function main() {
// set to select this account, shortened to make it easier to write fetches
var account = AdsApp.currentAccount();
// set to get campaign info
var campaignIterator = AdsApp.campaigns()
// link to sheet url
var SPREADSHEET_URL = 'https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/INSERT SPREADSHEET URL HERE/edit';
// shorten
var sheetName = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl(SPREADSHEET_URL);
// print log for reference
Logger.log('Account name : ' + account.getName());
Logger.log('Currency code : ' + account.getCurrencyCode());
// select info
var report = AdsApp.report(
'SELECT CampaignName, AdGroupName, Date, Cost ' +
'DURING 20190101,20191231');
// export to sheet
// sort by first column, which is date
// print log for confirmation
Logger.log("Report name : " + sheetName.getName());
Logger.log("Report URL : " + sheetName.getUrl());
Google Ads script 3: Automatically stop the campaign after hitting the budget cap
I have created this script to pause a campaign upon hitting a budget cap for an individual Google Ads account.
This script functions similarly to a built-in rule feature (via “create an automated rule”) within the Google Ads dashboard itself. However, we can only set the lowest frequency to “daily”.
Using this script allows us to monitor and pause the campaign on an hourly basis.
How to use this script?
Simply choose an account, go to the top right “Tools” and click on “Scripts” under the “Bulk Actions” section.
Click on the plus button sign and insert the code below. You have to authorize Google Ads to act on your behalf.
Save, preview to test that it is working perfectly by looking at the results under the logs tab. Close it and go back to the main script section and select hourly under the frequency column.
Copy script 3 below
[// Copyright 2019, Silver Mouse Sdn Bhd, All Rights Reserved.
* @name Google Ads Script – Auto Stop Campaign
* @overview This script stops a campaign when the allocated budget has been exceeded
* For more information, visit developers.google.com/ads/scripts
* @author Ong Hock Seng, Digital Marketing Manager at Silver Mouse [[email protected]]
* @version 1.1
* @changelog
* – version 1.0
* – Released initial version
* – version 1.1
* – Updated for 2019
* @usage Select the campaign name in line 30 and insert campaign budget in line 46.
* set script schedule to run hourly.
function main() {
// set to select this account, shortened to make it easier to write fetches
var account = AdsApp.currentAccount();
// select the specific campaign here
var campaignIterator = AdsApp.campaigns()
.withCondition('Name = "INSERT CAMPAIGN NAME HERE"')
// this section will begin running if there is a campaign that matches the campaign name you keyed in
if (campaignIterator.hasNext()) {
// fetch campaign that we have selected
var campaign = campaignIterator.next();
// fetch campaign stats for all time
var stats = campaign.getStatsFor("ALL_TIME");
// get cost
var campaignCost = stats.getCost();
// set your budget here
var totalBudget = 1234;
// pause campaign if cost is above set budget
var campaignDiff = totalBudget – campaignCost;
var campaignDiffCheck = campaignDiff < 0;
if (campaignDiff < 0) {campaign.pause()};
Logger.log('Current cost : ' + campaignCost);
Logger.log('Total budget : ' + totalBudget);
Logger.log('Budget difference : ' + campaignDiff);
Logger.log('Difference is lower than 0 : ' + campaignDiffCheck);
Logger.log('Campaign status enabled : ' + campaign.isEnabled());
} else {
Logger.log('Hmm it seems like there are no campaigns selected..');
Disclaimer: Use at your own risk, we will not be responsible for any loss incurred from using this Google Ads script.